Meadows Park residents road trip

15 May 2023

Meadows Park residents road trip

Last week at Meadows Park, the team surprised our residents with a minibus, courtesy of our maintenance officer.

Our lifestyle coordinator was quick to round up some residents to take them on a tour, to see the villages that they grew up in. This sparked lots of memories and lead to many great conversations. Reminiscing has many benefits for our residents, it can help to preserve family history, reduce negative emotions, improve communication skills, and enhances personal value.

It is important for us at Meadows Park to provide our residents with all the tools they need to take part in the things that bring them joy and happiness. We have asked our residents to start writing their very own wish list, of places they would like to visit with their new minibus.

A number one priority is the seaside for an ice cream. Bring on summer 2023 adventures for Meadows Park.

Meadows Park is welcoming new residents, to book your visit today please call our friendly team on 01507 304344.

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