Meadows Park mini carnival day

6 July 2023

Meadows Park mini carnival day

This week Meadows Park Care Home in Louth celebrated the 4th of July by hosting their very own mini carnival day.

Carnival music set the scene whilst residents had the opportunity to get a little bit competitive and take part in traditional carnival games including, tin can alley, ring toss, whack a mole and hook a duck.

When chatting with the residents about the day they said, hook a duck was their favourite and it reminded them of when they used to visit the seaside and you could win a goldfish.

The team members also enjoyed getting involved and Megan on front of house really enjoyed whack a mole.

Lifestyle co-ordinator Angela commented, ‘We had so much fun, there was a great atmosphere all day, it was a lovely way to celebrate Independence Day.’

Find out more about Meadows Park Care Home or call our friendly team at 01507 304344.

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