Garden centre visit for Meadows Park residents

19 June 2023

Garden centre visit for Meadows Park residents

This week after listening to the residents’ thoughts on the garden about wanting more colour we decided that they were right, so we took some of our residents to the local garden centre in Louth.

We had a lovely time looking round and deciding what we wanted to purchase for our garden areas. Pots, planters, and flowers were all purchased ahead of our residents taken on the challenge of brightening up the outside areas. After all the shopping our residents decided to have a cup of tea, cake, and a chat in the café.

Our residents’ opinions matter to us here at Meadows Park, we take our residents feedback and use this for positive improvements within our care home.

In the afternoon our residents planted the flowers. We love it when our residents take pride in their home with us.

Meadows Park is welcoming new residents, to book your visit please contact our team on 01507 304344.

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